
New Figure Drawing

Just finished a new drawing based on a new friend, who surprisingly actually has ties to my old home town. Small state, this Louisiana. But yeah, I really like the way this one came out. The initial pencil drawing was actually really tight, as opposed to the looser ones I do. Which made me actually nervous to ink it, for fear of fucking it all up. But I think I found a good balance between heavy ink lines and just letting the pencil lines show in the face. 



Bittersweet Zombie

A little bit of fan art for IG and OF model, Bittersweet Zombie. 
Ink and whiteout on illustration board.


Space Wives

Part one of a commission series I'm working on for an Instagram group called The Space Wives. Basic premise is lots of Captain Janeway/ Seven-of-Nine shipping from Star Trek Voyager, which I can totally get behind. 
Thanks to Emily for coming up with these and commissioning them!



First self-portrait in ages...


And I'm sure you can see why I normally just stick to cartoon versions of myself. But it is what it is. And considering I'm less than a year from 40, I don't think I look too shabby.